The Cheshire Cat Pet Sitter
8 Welland Street, Stockport SK5 6XA, UK
Service | Price |
Bird and house sitting | £15 |
Bird cage cleaning | Free |
Bird daily visits/ feedings | £15 |
Service | Price |
Cat drop in visit | £14 |
Cat and house sitting | £15 |
Service | Price |
Dog drop in visit | £15 |
Service | Price |
Fish and house sitting | £15 |
Aquarium maintenance | Enquire |
Fish daily visits/ feeding | £15 |
Fish pond maintenance | Enquire |
Service | Price |
Rabbit and house sitting | £15 |
Rabbit cage cleaning | Free |
Rabbit daily visits/ feeding | £15 |
Service | Price |
Rodent and house sitting | £15 |
Rodent cage cleaning | Free |
Rodent daily visits/ feeding | £15 |
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About The Cheshire Cat Pet Sitter
We are Darren and Kim - The Cheshire Cat pet sitters, a service dedicated to providing the very best care for your cats while you're away from home. We offer peace of mind by visiting your cat in their own home where they feel safe and loved.
Qualification | Status |
Business Insurance | ✔️ |
8 Welland Street, Stockport SK5 6XA, UK
Company Details
Business Name: The Cheshire Cat Pet Sitter
Business Website: