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8 Things You Should Know Before You Go Hiking with your Dog


8 Things You Should Know Before You Go Hiking with your Dog


Hiking with your dog can be a wonderful experience. It provides an opportunity to get some exercise, enjoy nature, and bond with your furry friend. However, there are certain things you should know before hitting the trails. Here are 10 things to keep in mind when hiking with your dog:


1.Check the Regulations

Before you take your dog on a hike, you should check the regulations of the area you plan to visit. Some hiking trails have specific rules for dogs, such as leash requirements, restricted areas, or even prohibited breeds. It’s important to follow these rules to ensure the safety of your dog and other hikers.


2.Know Your Dog's Limits

It’s important to know your dog's limits before you take them on a hike. You don’t want to overexert your dog or put them in a dangerous situation. Dogs that are young, old, or have certain health conditions may not be able to handle a strenuous hike. If you’re unsure if your dog is up for the challenge, consult with your veterinarian before hitting the trails.


3.Pack Proper Gear

Just like humans, dogs need proper gear when hiking. You should bring a leash, collar, and a harness for your dog. The leash should be no longer than 6 feet to ensure that you have control over your dog. A harness is a good idea because it allows you to lift your dog over obstacles or help them navigate rough terrain. You should also pack water, food, and snacks for your dog, as well as poop bags to clean up after them.


4.Keep Your Dog on Leash

Even if your dog is well-behaved, it’s important to keep them on a leash when hiking. This is not only for their safety but also for the safety of other hikers and their dogs. Your dog may encounter wildlife or other dogs on the trail, which could lead to a dangerous situation. Keeping your dog on a leash also helps prevent them from wandering off the trail or getting lost.


5.Avoid Hot Pavement

If you’re hiking in the summer, it’s important to be aware of hot pavement. The ground can get extremely hot, and dogs can burn their paw pads if they walk on it for too long. To prevent this, you should stick to shaded trails or hike in the early morning or late afternoon when the pavement is cooler. You can also invest in booties for your dog to protect their paws.


6.Watch for Signs of Dehydration

Dogs can easily become dehydrated when hiking, especially in hot weather. Signs of dehydration include excessive panting, lethargy, dry mouth, and sunken eyes. To prevent dehydration, make sure your dog has access to plenty of water during the hike. You should also bring a collapsible water bowl to make it easier for your dog to drink. If you notice any signs of dehydration, take a break and give your dog water.


7.Be Prepared for Wildlife Encounters

When hiking with your dog, you may encounter wildlife such as bears, coyotes, or snakes. It’s important to be prepared for these encounters and know how to handle them. Keep your dog on a leash and close to you, and avoid areas with known wildlife activity. If you do encounter wildlife, remain calm and slowly back away. Never let your dog chase or confront wildlife.


8.Pack First Aid Kit

Accidents can happen when hiking, so it’s important to pack a first aid kit for both you and your dog. The kit should include bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, and tweezers for removing ticks or splinters. You should also pack any necessary medications for your dog, such as an EpiPen if they have severe allergies.


Nataly Komova, fitness and nutritionist expert

Human Nutrition & Health, BSc Hons

Company: JustCBD




