Pet & House Sitting Services
Malvern, UK

Fiona has verified status - The Verified badge highlights our approved, reputable services known for highly-rated care and accurate listings, making it easier for pet owners to find the best care for their pets.
About Pet & House Sitting Services
Welcome! My name is Fiona and I've been Pet-sitting for over five years, and currently studying a level three accredited course in dog walking and pet sitting. I grew up with an amazing dog called Prince - a Welsh Collie Cross and the best friend a girl could get. He was patient, sensitive and loving, I still miss him. A while after Prince, my parents adopted Sky from a rescue center - a border collie, with Heterochromia, which is the scientific term for eyes of different colours. She was scatty, energetic and caring. I miss her too! I don't currently have any pets of my own so I love the opportunity this job brings to spend time around animals. I've looked after various different breeds of dogs and other animals including cats, tortoise, rabbits, and fish. I have an interest in nature - enjoying hiking, National Trust locations, and Entomology which is the study of insects. I've recently started to teach myself to draw, and love writing (mainly poetry). My second business is cleaning, I've been self employed for over seven years so I know how to keep homes fresh and maintained. I only leave for up to four hours at a time and work around the needs of each pet I look after, while living in, and caring for the home and garden. Feel free to message for more information.
Qualification | Status |
Animal Boarding License | |
Animal Care Training | |
Business Insurance | |
Criminal Record Check | |
References |