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Wagging Tails

Wolcott, CT, USA


Wagging has verified status - The Verified badge highlights our approved, reputable services known for highly-rated care and accurate listings, making it easier for pet owners to find the best care for their pets.

About Wagging Tails

For pet owners seeking reliable animal daycare, we offer a service that goes beyond simple supervision. At Wagging Tails, your pet will enjoy a full day of structured activities, socialization, and ample playtime in a spacious, pet-friendly environment. We believe in creating a balanced experience that keeps pets engaged and relaxed. For those on the lookout for “animal daycare near me,” Wagging Tails is a trusted choice in the community. Our convenient location and dedicated team make us the preferred destination for pet parents. We focus on creating an enriching experience tailored to each pet’s needs, so you can feel at ease knowing they’re in the best hands. When you need a place to board a dog, we ensure your furry friend receives personalized attention, comfortable accommodations, and a routine that mirrors their home life. With our canine boarding service, pets settle in easily and enjoy their time with us, feeling as comfortable as they would at home. From cozy resting areas to stimulating play sessions, we’ve thought of everything to make their stay as enjoyable as possible.


Wolcott, CT, USA

Business Details

Business Name: Wagging Tails

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